Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is Charice becoming ingrate?

My favorite newspaper is philstar and I WAS a subscriber online. But then suddenly, it vanished  when i realized they don't escrutinize most of the news coming from them especially when i read the column of Ricky Lo about Charice Charice has been gobbled by 'American System' (click link for full story).

The article was written with lack in research, lack in information and lack of substance. Much so, the article has been written without the opinions of both sides (Charice & Gurfinkel), and Ricky Lo relied on another newspaper (Abante Online- Jojo Gabinete). In addition, I found out Gurfinkel is a Star columnist, the same as Ricky Lo.  This fact only proved that Ricky Lo is helping out Gurfinkel to ruin Charice' image. Obviously, the article is biased and i lost my respect on Ricky Lo.

To further explain this issue, let me post the opinions of some people whom I thought is exactly the true masterpiece of a responsible writer.


am quite confused with Ricky Lo’s article berating Charice of becoming ingrate. He added that her ‘NEW FOREIGN ADVISERS” told her that as a 19-year old, she should be independent just like most Americans 18 years and and over, and to learn adapting with a new set of values and realities- distancing her from people who have been instrumental to the success Charice is now enjoying.
Are these accusations, observations or inferences? Charice owes her success to hard work, powerful talent, creativity, discipline and luck. If there is one person she owes her accomplishments, that is none other than her mother.
A person who helps others and expects reciprocation is ruthless. My mother has never once said that we must return the favor for the painstaking task of her rearing seven children. Helping others is a self-actualization phase of our mortal existence. We do it for its best intention and not for gaining guarantees for future reciprocity.
Charice is working in an American-based company. She is still in the process of maintaining her rising fame as an entertainer, and Lo’s suggesting that she should tell her NEW AMERICAN TRAINERS to accomodate the Philippine entertainment politics is ludicrous and irresponsible. The NEW AMERICAN TRAINERS have placed their all-out support to a Filipino singer, whose exemplary singing talent had been ignored in her home country for not possessing the physical attributes that Filipinos deemed as a star material.
I hope that Lo could divulge the GURFINKELS’ grievances against Charice and her family. Is it about a payment for service done that remains unpaid? Is it about Gurfinkel’s wanting to be CHARICE’S entertainment lawyer in America? Did Lo write this article to gain more readership even if these allegations were fictional or subjective, ignoring its negative effect on Charice?
Ricky Lo’s writing incites unjustifiable hatred against CHARICE, whose phenomenal rise in the international entertainment industry did not happen without tragedies, despair, discrimination, being scorned and losing hope. Her young life was a cruel narative resulting from poverty and polluted social topography. Mr. Ricky Lo and the Gurfinkels demonstrate a MENTALITY that promotes rotten values of a society, keeping elitism among the few privileged and ignorance among the many least fortunate so boldly devastating towards sachiieiving social maturity and economic equity.


I believe “utang na loob” is reserved for those who did NOT get a penny for helping. Was the immigration documentation help extended by the Galunggong Garfinkel all for free and extended from the sincere desire to help or for the publicity and opportunity to be associated with an upcoming (back then) international star? Were they not paid for the “help”?
To Charice and family, specially the mom…my utmost respect for not engaging in an exchange of words with the Galunggong lawyer. It is indeed sad that they are so bold in attacking Charice knowing the girl has a lot of breeding and decency and will not fight back because she is actually showing utang na loob. Thats more than enough for the likes of them who by their treacherous actions have rendered the Utang na loob paid in full.
Prayers for Charice and family, for strength and faith to just move on and not be dragged down by these stupid senseless people who just want to milk her dry. They never did anything truly nice to Charice back then until Ellen and Oprah paid attention to her! Geez…what utang na loob are they expecting?!?!

MICH wrote:

really hate that ” utang na loob” thingy. If you wanted to help just don’t expect to much a payback. If they want to help just dont expect a payback.. ang kitid talaga ng utak ng mga pinoy lalo na mga press people..

Very well written guys, you earned my respect. Having a mind like these people will help boost the 'utak talangka' of most filipinos.  No more hilahan pababa, no more envy, no more insecurity.... just love.


  1. True enough that this writer is irresponsible delivering raw materials to readers.

  2. Ricky Lo said he wrote the article out of concern for charice.. What his article tell is far from being concern.. shame.. he's suppose to be his godfather to protect her, right..

  3. surprisingly right! He should protect his goddaughter. ricky Lo created a harsh buzz.. unacceptable.

  4. Good job! Thanks for defending Charice! :)

  5. they're attacking charice for no reason. if he(RL) have such knowledge on what's going(if there really is or just the claim of Gurfinkel) on without that much of info yet why would he publish it right away. that's not the right thing to do if you are really concern.

  6. Mrs. Gurfinkel was Charice's guardian when she was touring the first David Foster and friends. Charice's mom was in Philippines at that time.. I thought to myself that was so nice of her to do that.. Then at the after concert meet and greet, she clearly demonstrates some sort of authority over Charice ordering fans how long they can talk with her.. pretty rude in my opinion.. Nothing about this "utang na loob" thing will come out if nobody complained. I guess somebody wants to tag along on Charice's rising fame in Hollywood.

  7. I agreed with the comment just above this. I was at the NY(MSG)and LA DFF concerts. AT the NY concert, All chasters waiting for a picture with Charice and when we were about to start, Mrs. Millie Gurfinkel GRABBED Charice and took her to her RICH friends, about 10 rows(bleachers)up to have pictures with them. Instead of Millie's friends getting in line, like all the Chasters were, Millie Gurfinkel took Charice to them. Charice was pretty upset. In LA meet and Greet, Millie and Atty. Gurfinkel were very commanding and acted like they were SUPERSTARS. I'm so glad they they were already out of the picture. They were very rude.....

  8. Remember ppl Ricky Lo & the Gurfingkels are in cahoots. In my view Charice does not owe any drop of shit to this ppl. I remember I was in LV during the DFF 2009 and Charice attended a Bday lunch given to her by Chasters, Grrrfingkel acted like he was the big shot & the big boss who controls Charice. Charice has US mgrs, Marc was there but he keeps intervening Marc's like he owns Charice. I could blurt out a lot here but i just hope they totally go away! I donot recommend this the services of this scumbag husband&wife. And pls stop reading inquirer bec of this Ricky low.

  9. correction, it's not inquirer, it is philstar.

  10. 'utang na loob' has never been an advantage in our culture, that's why most of us don't get richer bcoz we have to payback or look back to those people who helped us esp. our parents. if we adopt western culture in this matter, we are all richer by a thousand miles.

    don't get me wrong, utang na loob is a filipino value which we need to exercise but im talking abt the disadvantage.

    Regarding this article about charice, professional relationship is different from personal relationship. obviously, gurfinkel is an immigration lawyer, it's his job to help charice get a visa.. where is the utang na loob? as simple as that.. ricky lo is so narrowminded and i lost my respect on you. don't be biased.. exercise responsible journalism.

  11. Mr. Ricky lo's biased accusations shouldbe the subject of a sanction by the publishers of philstar; it is pretty obvious that he wrote this article for the garfinkels' benefit.

  12. Ricky Lo is a paid columnist. His opinion is nothing!

  13. There's a new article again from Ricky Lo about Charice ignoring the Philippine press during her visit at Universal Studio on Sept 18 to support Jed Madela. We need to start questioning this guy's intentions in reporting hearsay (whether true or not) that is meant to discredit a talented and hardworking singer like Charice. Is it so difficult for these people to understand that Charice has already transcended garbage reporting from reporters like Ricky Lo and Ogie Diaz? These reporters are so used to thinking that they can make or break a star because they have the power to influence people's thinking through their articles. Their egos are crushed when artists like Charice have reached a point in her career that she now calls the shots and says when she can and can't be interviewed. This has nothing to do with utang na loob, laki ng ulo or anything about Filipino culture. It is as simple as a girl who just wants to be left alone on a day she took out from her busy schedule to support a friend. So Ricky Lo, just shut the fuck up!!!

  14. umm ... utang ina mo...ricky low.. i'll pay you ..

  15. Yup, that's Millie. Pulling Charice over to her rich friends for a picture.

    As a boss, she is one of the worst people you could work for. Try to ask anyone who has worked in the Law Offices of Michael J. Gurfinkel. Millie resorts to name calling and mental abuse when it comes to her Filipino staff. Bobo, tanga, gago/gaga, bugok and other harsh words are what she uses to reprimand her staff. She will never do that to the non-Filipino staff. She will, but behind their backs.

    She gives special treatment to clients who are high profile in the Philippines (artistas, politicians, etc). She waives the consultation fee ($300) and sometimes even the attorney fees, but only if they recommend Michael to their other rich friends/family back in the Philippines.

    Pero kung ordinaryong Pilipino ka, get ready to be charged an arm and leg. I know some clients who had to sell their house in order to give a down payment for the legal fees.

    The other managerial staff consist of her sisters, the law firm is pretty much "Kamag-anak Inc." Don't forget the brown-nosers na nagpapalakas kay Millie.

    It may be a good place to have your immigration issues dealt with, but her office is a place you should avoid when looking for a job.
